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- /* copyright Ken Musgrave */
- /* March 1985 */
- /* ran_ramp.c */
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Usage: ran_ramp [-g] [-z]
- *
- * Performs random continuous changes to the color map of a frame buffer.
- *
- * The idea is to use three DDA's with endpoint input from a random
- * number generator. The three DDA's generate random sawtooth waves
- * of values for red, green, and blue. These waves of values are pushed
- * through the lookup table from entry 254 down to entry 0.
- *
- * NOTE: Entry 255 remains black, as this was designed for animating
- * the Mandelbrot set, whose center should remain black.
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define MAXENTRY 256
- #define MAXINDEX 255
- #define DELAY 8 /* kludge to modulate speed of animation */
- /* you may want/need to change this value */
- /*
- * pseudo-random number generator; period 65536; requires seed between 0 and
- * 65535; returns random numbers between 0 and 65536.
- */
- #define MULTIPLIER 25173
- #define INCREMENT 13849
- #define MODULUS 65535
- int quit = FALSE; /* signal variables */
- int stop = FALSE; /* used in trapping <ctrl-C> and <ctrl-Z> */
- int seed, maxsteps; /* user input variables */
- /* arrays for color lookup table values */
- unsigned char r[MAXENTRY], g[MAXENTRY], b[MAXENTRY];
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- register int i;
- int reply, delay;
- int inter(); /* signal functions, see below */
- int suspend();
- signal(SIGINT, inter); /* traps <ctrl-C> */
- signal(SIGTSTP, suspend); /* traps <ctrl-Z> */
- printf("Please enter seed: ");
- scanf("%d", &seed);
- /* "(10-100)" is just a suggestion... */
- printf("\nPlease enter maximum length of color ramp: (10-100)");
- scanf("%d", &maxsteps);
- printf("\n");
- fb_init(); /* generic frame buffer init routine */
- /* if specified, set initial map option */
- if (argc == 2) {
- /* "-g" option for gray scale */
- if (argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'g') {
- for (i=0; i<MAXINDEX; i++)
- r[i] = g[i] = b[i] = i;
- }
- /* "-z" option for zebra scale */
- else if (argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'z') {
- for (i=0; i<MAXINDEX; i+=4) {
- r[i]=r[i+1]=g[i]=g[i+1]=b[i]=b[i+1]=i * 4 / 5;
- r[i+2]=r[i+3]=g[i+2]=g[i+3]=b[i+2]=b[i+3]=
- i * 4/5 + 51;
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* initialize the color map to black */
- for (i=0; i<MAXINDEX; i++)
- r[i] = g[i] = b[i] = 0;
- }
- /* generic routine to write frame buffer color map */
- fb_setmap(r, g, b);
- /* loop until <ctrl-C> is trapped */
- while (!quit) {
- /* trapped <crtl-Z> */
- if (stop) {
- fb_done(); /* release frame buffer */
- printf("\nSave lookup table? (y/n) ");
- while (isspace(reply = getchar()));
- if (reply == 'y')
- save_lut();
- /* returns when job running again */
- kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
- stop = FALSE;
- fb_init(); /* get back in action */
- }
- /*
- * main animation loop:
- *
- * move each entry in color map arrays down one place
- */
- for (i=0; i<(MAXINDEX-1); i++) {
- r[i] = r[i+1];
- g[i] = g[i+1];
- b[i] = b[i+1];
- }
- /*
- * get new high color map entries
- */
- r[MAXINDEX-1] = dda_red();
- g[MAXINDEX-1] = dda_green();
- b[MAXINDEX-1] = dda_blue();
- /*
- * send new color maps to the frame buffer
- * NOTE: we may do this several times (the value of
- * "DELAY") to slow down the animation
- */
- for (delay=0; delay<DELAY; delay++)
- fb_setmap(0, MAXINDEX, r, g, b);
- }
- fb_done(); /* release the frame buffer */
- } /* main() */
- /*
- * function for trapping <ctrl-C>
- * NOTE: the only reason to use this is so that
- * we can call fb_done() before exiting - this
- * may or may not be necessary
- */
- inter()
- {
- quit = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * function for trapping <ctrl-Z>
- * NOTE: this is used so that the user may stop the
- * animation at any time and dump the color map to
- * a file
- */
- suspend()
- {
- stop = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * produces linear ramps in intensity for the red portion of the color
- * lookup table
- */
- dda_red()
- {
- register int temp;
- static float ry1, ry2=0., rinc, r_xsteps=0.;
- static int r_xcount=0;
- /* if at end of ramp... */
- if (r_xcount >= (int) r_xsteps) {
- /*
- * make the end of last ramp the beginning of next ramp
- */
- ry1 = ry2;
- /* define end of next ramp */
- seed = RANDOM(seed);
- /* assign a new (scaled) end point */
- ry2 = MAXINDEX * (seed / 65535.0);
- seed = RANDOM(seed);
- /* get a new ramp length */
- r_xsteps = (maxsteps * (seed / 65535.0));
- /* find the intensity increment per step */
- if (r_xsteps != 0)
- rinc = (ry2 - ry1) / r_xsteps;
- else
- rinc = 0;
- r_xcount = 0;
- }
- temp = (int) ry1;
- ry1 += rinc;
- r_xcount++;
- return temp;
- } /* dda_red() */
- /*
- * produces linear ramps in intensity for the green portion of the color
- * lookup table
- */
- dda_green()
- {
- register int temp;
- static float gy1, gy2=0., ginc, g_xsteps=0.;
- static int g_xcount=0;
- if (g_xcount >= (int) g_xsteps) {
- /*
- * make the end of last ramp the beginning of next ramp
- */
- gy1 = gy2;
- /* define end of next ramp */
- seed = RANDOM(seed);
- gy2 = MAXINDEX * (seed / 65535.0);
- seed = RANDOM(seed);
- g_xsteps = (maxsteps * (seed / 65535.0));
- /* find the intensity increment per step */
- if (g_xsteps != 0)
- ginc = (gy2 - gy1) / g_xsteps;
- else
- ginc = 0;
- g_xcount = 0;
- }
- temp = (int) gy1;
- gy1 += ginc;
- g_xcount++;
- return temp;
- } /* dda_green() */
- /*
- * produces linear ramps in intensity for the blue portion of the color
- * lookup table
- */
- dda_blue()
- {
- register int temp;
- static float by1, by2=0., binc, b_xsteps=0.;
- static int b_xcount=0;
- if (b_xcount >= (int) b_xsteps) {
- /*
- * make the end of last ramp the beginning of next ramp
- */
- by1 = by2;
- /* define end of next ramp */
- seed = RANDOM(seed);
- by2 = MAXINDEX * (seed / 65535.0);
- seed = RANDOM(seed);
- b_xsteps = (maxsteps * (seed / 65535.0));
- /* find the intensity increment per step */
- if (b_xsteps != 0)
- binc = (by2 - by1) / b_xsteps;
- else
- binc = 0;
- b_xcount = 0;
- }
- temp = (int) by1;
- by1 += binc;
- b_xcount++;
- return temp;
- } /* dda_blue() */
- /*
- * save the lookup table to a file
- */
- save_lut()
- {
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- char filename[40];
- int i;
- getchar(); /* read leading newline char */
- printf("Enter filename for lookup table: ");
- gets(filename);
- fp = fopen(filename, "w");
- for (i=0; i<MAXINDEX; i++)
- fprintf(fp, "%3d %3d %3d\n", r[i], g[i], b[i]);
- fclose(fp);
- } /* save_lut() */